Join us for an insightful tour of Dorothy O'Connor's photographs led by Susan Todd-Raque and in conversation with Dorothy. We will also have an update from the Hambidge Team on all of their projects.
HAMBiDGE Cross-Pollination Art Lab in Uptown Atlanta (formerly Lindbergh Center) 575 Morosgo Drive NE Atlanta 30324
Dorothy O'Connor’s photographs and installations feature thoughtfully composed and hand-crafted scenes which combine elements of still-life, portraiture, landscape and performance. Encompassing psychological states, biographical moments, and the uneasy relationship humans have with the natural world, her work grapples with the grief of seeing our needed connection and appreciation of nature be overshadowed by destruction and the countless instances where conservation is not properly prioritized.
Susan Todd-Raque is the co-founder of Atlanta Celebrates Photography and Idea Capital. Susan has taught at The Atlanta College of Art, Georgia State University, Emory University and Spelman College. As a guest lecturer, she has talked about art at the High Museum of Art, The Michael C. Carlos Museum, Google as well as at national academic conferences on art.
Hambidge Center and the Cross-Pollination Art Lab is known for its Creative Residency Program on its 600-acre campus in the Blue Ridge foothills of Rabun Gap, Georgia. Hambidge Cross-Pollination Art Lab began in 2020 with generously donated space from Uptown Atlanta and support from the LUBO Fund and Fulton County Arts & Culture as an initiative that brings together visual artists, dancers, writers, poets, and musicians to share ideas and experiment.
Parking: Main Street or in the City Center parking Deck behind the LongHorn Steakhouse